Tuesday 3rd November #MentalHealthMatters
Infertility is not only about physical health, but can take a toll on mental health too. The impact of COVID-19 with clinic closures and reduced capacity on reopening has increased distress for many patients, making our #MentalHealthMatters day more important than ever. We will share testimonials from our community as well as tips from mental health experts about how best to look after yourself. This day is about raising awareness of fertility and mental health and will offer solutions to help fertility patients navigate this challenging journey.
Infertility and Mental Health by Rachel
If there’s one thing in life that I’ve become really accomplished at over the past few years, it’s putting a brave face on. It’s saying, “I’m fine” when I’m not. It’s smiling when all I want to do is scream. Every so often the difficulty of doing this on a daily basis boils over, and I slowly but surely start to unravel. Read in FULL here.